Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Rando Tips

Here are a few of my thoughts and tips for Randonneuring

Rest stops
-          Get your card signed first
-          Drink a bottle of water
-          Eat if needed
-          Fill up water and use rest room
-          Check for saddle sores and reapply chemise butter if needed.
-          Stretch get going again
-          Don’t say more than 15 minutes if you can

At a minimum I would run Schwalbe Marathon supreme front and rear.
An upgrade from that would be to run the Marathon Plus on the rear
if you want even more go Marathon Plus front and rear.   Marathon tires are legendary for durability, and not getting flats is critical!  

Chemise Butter
I’ve tried different brands.  I have gone to just using Bag Balm, it is lanolin, has skin protectant and won’t sweat off like chemise butter.   I’ve been using if for the last year and it is great.   It will seep through your short on to your seat and anything else you sit on so bring a towel for the car.
Saddle sores
-          Fastest way to heal them is 10% benzoyl peroxide cream (acne cream)  works great.  Just wash and dry at least 2x a day and apply 2x a day.  It will bleach out your shorts.
-          If you need to heal even faster you can also put on drawing suave at night, but wear some old shorts as that stuff stains everything it touches

-          2 is 1 and 1 is none
-          I have 2 of these.  One on my helmet and one on my handle bar. 
-          There might be some better ones out there now, but you absolutely need a helmet one for night riding so you can see street signs and when to turn. 
-          I also carry a separate head lamp in my bag for tire changing etc…
-          I put extra batteries in my bag.  I put a rubber band around them in sets of 3.  Used ones I don’t rubber band back together I just throw them in the bottom loose.
-          Tail lights 2 on my bag and 1 on my helmet.  Also some reflective things on my bag and body.

-          I usually hit either subway or a grocery store on 300+ rides
-          Typically get a turkey sandwich, mixed fruit bowl, bag of chips and Peach Ice tea

On Ride Nutrition
-          I use hammer gel.  I buy the big bottles and then refill squeeze bottles from REI.  The hammer bottles suck
-          I usually take at least 2 -3oz bottles and also a bunch of other gu etc…
-          I find that gu can get me recharged and give me 10-15 miles of energy on 2 packs.
-          I drink a lot water to start then mix in water and Gatorade etc.. later on.   Switch to Ice tea for the caffeine as well.

A nice front bag is awesome.  you can get into it while riding and some are big enough making them all you need.   Also they have map / cue sheet holders built in.   Problem is they are expensive! More made for serious touring

I use this bag for 300 and greater Rando rides.
I use a bagman rack with quick releases and like it a lot. 

 Nice small front bag.  http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/bavbb.htm  not too spendy.

Spendy bag that you’ll need  a front rack for.  http://www.wallbike.com/berthoud/berthoud/berthoud-frontbag-basic

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